Fun, Fitness, Focus
Pursuing dreams one child at a time!
The Lakettes gym is a 7,200 sq. ft. fully equipped training facility.
Located at: 8296 Peach st. (3/4 mile south of I-90, off Peach on Andrus rd.)
Highlighted with some of the most current equipment.
The facility is divided into two training areas.

Main Gym features:
> 42 by 42 AAI spring floor system
> four women's bar stations with in ground pit and strap bar
> four high balance beams
> vault table with an in ground pit landing mat
> in-ground high performance Dave Ross string bed trampoline
> 40 foot long tumble track
> loft bleachers and viewing area

Mini Gym features:
> foam floor area with many training mats
> 15 foot tumble track
> two low balance beams
> monkey bars
> five bar stations
> rings or trapez bar
> mini rock walls
> many mats and training aids
> fully mirrored wall
> student restroom
> viewing window for parents

The parent viewing area is closed to parents of competitive team members, unless by the announcement of an open viewing practice. This area is reserved for our pre school and recreational parents ONLY. Quiet observation is a must to insure that
all students are able to remain focused on their class and teacher during class time. Bleachers in our loft area provide to full view of the main gym area. Our smaller
gym may be viewed only through a small observation window at the top of the bleacher area.